
Use of experimental animals and human participants policy in GPCL journals

Experimental animals
Approval and compliance

Authors conducting experiments on live vertebrates and/or higher invertebrates must include a statement in the methods section,

  • Identifying the institutional and/or licensing committee that approved the experiments, providing relevant details.
  • Confirming adherence to relevant guidelines and regulations throughout the experimentation process.
ARRIVE guidelines
  • Studies involving live animals should adhere to the ARRIVE guidelines (PLoS Bio 8(6), e1000412, 2010).
  • Manuscripts employing anesthesia or euthanasia methods inconsistent with veterinary best practice norms (e.g., chloral hydrate, ether, and chloroform) will not be considered.
Veterinary best practice

Authors are encouraged to consult the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (2020) for comprehensive guidance on anesthesia and euthanasia best practices.

Human participants
Ethics committee approval

Authors involved in research with human participants must:

  • Identify the committee that approved the research.
  • Confirm adherence to relevant guidelines and regulations.
  • Include a statement in the manuscript confirming informed consent from all participants and/or their legal guardians.
Declaration of Helsinki

Research involving human participants must align with the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki.

Animals and human participants policy

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