For Authors

Before you submit to GPCL journals

Welcome to the comprehensive guide designed to assist authors in submitting their scholarly work to Genesis Publishing Consortium Limited (GPCL) journals. Our commitment is to provide detailed instructions and insights to ensure a smooth, transparent, and rewarding publication experience for authors across a wide spectrum of disciplines. Before you begin the process of submitting your manuscript, you should ensure that you have completed the following:

Scope of submission

GPCL journals span a diverse array of fields, encompassing science & technology, humanities, and interdisciplinary studies. Before submitting your manuscript, it is essential to meticulously review the aims and scope of the specific journal you are considering. A nuanced understanding of the journal’s focus areas ensures alignment with the editorial board’s interests and the readership’s expectations.

Formatting requirements

Manuscript formatting serves as the foundation for effective communication of research findings. Authors must meticulously adhere to the formatting guidelines provided by the journal. These guidelines typically encompass specifications regarding font size, margins, line spacing, and referencing style. Consistency in formatting not only enhances readability but also underscores the professionalism of the manuscript.

Originality and plagiarism

At the core of academic integrity lies the principle of originality. Authors are expected to submit manuscripts that constitute original contributions to knowledge and have not been previously published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere. GPCL journals maintain a steadfast policy against plagiarism in any manifestation. Authors bear the responsibility of ensuring that their work is devoid of borrowed content without appropriate attribution.

Authorship and contributions

Authorship attribution should accurately reflect the substantive contributions of individuals to the research and writing process. All authors listed in the manuscript must have made significant intellectual contributions. It is imperative to acknowledge the contributions of individuals who have aided in the research process without meeting the criteria for authorship. Additionally, authors must transparently disclose any conflicts of interest or funding sources that could potentially influence the interpretation of their work.

Ethical considerations

Ethical considerations are paramount in maintaining the credibility and trustworthiness of scholarly research. Authors are expected to adhere to ethical guidelines throughout the research and publication process. This encompasses obtaining requisite permissions for any copyrighted material utilized, disclosing potential conflicts of interest, and ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the data and results presented.

Manuscript structure

The structure of a manuscript significantly influences its coherence and comprehensibility. While the specific structure may vary depending on the journal and the type of article, standard sections typically include Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References. Authors must ensure that each section serves its intended purpose in effectively conveying the research to the readership.

Figures and tables

Figures and tables serve as invaluable aids in presenting data and facilitating understanding. Authors should meticulously ensure that all figures and tables are clear, appropriately labeled, and cited within the text. Figures should be of high quality, ensuring suitability for reproduction. Permission must be secured for any previously published figures or tables incorporated into the manuscript.

Language and style

Clarity and precision in language are imperative for effective communication in academic writing. Manuscripts should be articulated in grammatically correct English, adhering to stylistic conventions appropriate for scholarly publications. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to solicit assistance from professional editing services to enhance the clarity and coherence of their writing.

Manuscript editing service

The GPCL wholeheartedly recommends the Manuscript Editing Service offered by Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) to researchers and academics seeking to elevate the quality of their scholarly work. Endorsed by GPCL, GRCL boasts a team of highly skilled editors proficient in a diverse array of academic disciplines and publication standards. The meticulous editing services provided by GRCL, encompassing language refinement, structural enhancements, and thorough attention to detail, ensure that manuscripts meet the rigorous standards expected by top-tier journals. Authors who entrust their manuscripts to GRCL benefit from GPCL‘s endorsement, signaling a commitment to excellence and increasing their chances of publication success.

Submission process

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the journal’s designated online submission system. Authors must diligently adhere to the instructions provided on the journal’s website to ensure a seamless submission process. This entails completing all requisite fields, uploading the manuscript and any supplementary files, and providing accurate contact information.

Review and revision

Submitted manuscripts undergo meticulous peer review to assess their quality, originality, and relevance to the journal’s scope. Authors may receive feedback from reviewers and editors necessitating revisions to the manuscript. Prompt and thorough responses to review comments and diligent revision are indispensable for expediting the publication process.

Copyright and licensing

Upon acceptance for publication, authors hold the copyright of the published article (s). Detailed information regarding licensing and copyright agreements will be communicated to authors upon acceptance of their manuscript. Authors retain full rights to reuse their work, subject to the terms delineated in the publishing agreement.

Open access and fees

All of the GPCL journals offer open-access publishing options, facilitating unrestricted access to published articles. Authors should acquaint themselves with any associated fees for open-access publication and make requisite arrangements for payment, if applicable. Open-access publishing can augment the visibility and impact of research by reaching a broader audience.

Contact information

Authors are urged to furnish comprehensive contact information, encompassing institutional affiliations and email addresses, to facilitate seamless communication throughout the submission and review process. Timely communication with the editorial office is indispensable for addressing any queries or concerns that may arise during the publication journey.

For authors

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