About AIER (Aquatic Invertebrates and Ecosystem Research)
The Aquatic Invertebrates and Ecosystem Research (AIER) stands as an esteemed open-access, peer-reviewed, and internationally recognized platform dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge in the realm of aquatic invertebrates and ecosystem science. With a commitment to excellence, it serves as a conduit for the dissemination of high-quality original scientific papers, concise communications, and noteworthy review articles of contemporary significance and exceptional standards. Authors submitting manuscripts to the Aquatic Invertebrates and Ecosystem Research do so with the understanding that their work has not been previously published elsewhere and is exclusively under consideration for publication within this esteemed journal. The scope of the journal is expansive, encompassing a wide array of topics within aquatic invertebrates and ecosystem science and its associated research endeavors. From the ecology and behavior of diverse aquatic invertebrate species to their physiological adaptations, interactions within ecosystems, and broader implications for environmental health and conservation, the journal embraces a comprehensive approach to the exploration of these fascinating organisms. Operated under the continuous publication model, the Aquatic Invertebrates and Ecosystem Research releases three issues annually, typically in April, August, and December. This innovative model ensures swift dissemination of research findings by promptly assigning accepted articles to upcoming issues as they become ready for publication. Consequently, readers benefit from rapid access to the latest advancements and discoveries in aquatic invertebrate science, fostering a dynamic exchange of knowledge and ideas within the scientific community.
About AIER at a Glance
Journal Name : Aquatic Invertebrates and Ecosystem Research
Journal Short Name : Aqua. Invert. Ecosys. Res
Journal Abbreviation : AIER
Year of Launching : 2024, March
Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Hadi Hamli (2024 – Present)
Aims & Scope : AIER Aims and Scope
Abstracting & Indexing : Google Scholar, Wikialpha
Membership : Crossref
Online Submission : AIER submission system
Editorial Enquiries : editor.aier@genesispcl.com
Publisher : Genesis Publishing Consortium (GPC) Limited
About AIER

Journal Status

Acceptance Rate 27%
Submission to first decision 5 days
Acceptance to publication 7 days
Open access100%


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