About JPMR (Journal of Pharmacology and Medicine Research)

The Journal of Pharmacology and Medicine Research (JPMR) is a premier open-access, single-blind peer-reviewed international journal proudly published by Genesis Publishing Consortium Limited (GPCL). JPMR is dedicated to advancing the fields of pharmacology, medical sciences, and healthcare innovations by providing a platform for disseminating high-quality, impactful research.

JPMR employs a continuous publishing model, ensuring that accepted articles are made available promptly without waiting for issue releases. This model accelerates the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge, enhancing the visibility and reach of research contributions. The journal publishes three issues annually, released in February, June, and October, maintaining a regular schedule for complete volumes.

With a global focus, JPMR strives to ensure widespread reach and dissemination of knowledge, bridging the gap between researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and industry professionals worldwide. The journal is committed to being highly indexed, ensuring that its content is easily discoverable and widely accessible, increasing its impact within the scientific and medical communities.

JPMR welcomes submissions in a variety of formats, including original research articles, comprehensive reviews, clinical case studies, and short communications, covering diverse topics such as drug discovery, clinical pharmacology, therapeutic advancements, diagnostic techniques, and public health strategies.

By upholding strict ethical publishing standards and conducting rigorous peer reviews, JPMR ensures that the research it publishes is both credible and of the highest quality. As an open-access journal, it guarantees free and unrestricted access to its content, fostering collaboration and innovation across disciplines and regions.

About JPMR at a Glance
Journal Name:
Journal Short Name: 
Journal Abbreviation:JPMR
Year of Launching:2024, December
Editor-in-Chief: (2024 – Present)
Aims & Scope:JPMR Aims and Scope
Abstracting & Indexing:Crossref, Google Scholar, Wikialpha
Online Submission:JPMR submission system
Editorial Enquiries:editor.jpmr@genesispcl.com
Publisher:Genesis Publishing Consortium (GPC) Limited
About JPMR

Journal Status

Acceptance Rate 25%
Submission to first decision 5 days
Acceptance to publication 7 days
Open access100%


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