
Citation policy of GPCL

At Genesis Publishing Consortium Limited (GPCL), we recognize the paramount importance of a robust and ethical citation practice to ensure the integrity of academic research. Our citation policy is designed to provide clear guidelines for authors, fostering a scholarly environment characterized by transparency, fairness, and the responsible use of citations.

Proper attribution

Authors submitting to GPCL are expected to meticulously attribute all material taken from external sources, including their own previously published works. Citations should be precise, providing readers with the necessary information to locate the referenced material. Authors are also encouraged to obtain appropriate permissions when necessary.

Avoidance of excessive self-citation

While self-citation is acceptable when relevant to the context, authors are urged to avoid excessive self-citation. A balanced approach to citation ensures that research contributions are recognized without compromising the objectivity and credibility of the scholarly work.

Independent reading and referencing

Authors are reminded of the importance of independent reading and referencing. Copying references without a thorough understanding of the cited work undermines the scholarly rigor expected in academic publications. Meaningful and well-informed citations contribute to the overall quality of the research.

Impartial citation practices

Authors should approach citation with impartiality, avoiding any preference towards citing their own, friends’, peers’, or institution’s publications. The decision to cite should be driven solely by the academic relevance, significance, and merit of the referenced work.

Exclusion of advertisements or advertorial material

Our policy unequivocally prohibits the citation of advertisements or advertorial material. Citations must be confined to scholarly sources to maintain the scholarly integrity and credibility of the work.

Direct quotation protocol

Consistent with the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), GPCL insists that any original wording directly taken from other researchers’ publications, including the author’s own work, be enclosed in quotation marks. Proper citations must accompany such quotations to ensure accurate attribution.

Compliance with COPE guidelines

GPCL aligns with the guidelines outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Authors are expected to adhere to COPE‘s recommendations, particularly those concerning citation manipulation. COPE‘s discussion document on citation manipulation provides valuable insights into best practices, and authors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these guidelines.

Best practice in citation

Authors are encouraged to follow best practices in citation as established by academic and publication standards. Adhering to principles of accuracy, completeness, and relevance in citation practices enhances the overall scholarly value of the work.

Review and evaluation

GPCL’s editorial team conducts a thorough review and evaluation of citations during the manuscript review process. Any concerns or questions regarding citation practices will be addressed in consultation with the authors, emphasizing a collaborative and educative approach.

Continuous adherence

GPCL remains dedicated to maintaining and updating this Citation Policy in response to evolving industry standards and best practices. This commitment ensures that our publication processes continue to reflect the highest ethical standards.

By adhering to these comprehensive citation guidelines, GPCL aims to cultivate a scholarly community that prioritizes accuracy, fairness, and ethical citation practices, ultimately contributing to the continued integrity and advancement of academic research.

Citation policy

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