
Duplicate publication policy for GPCL journals

Originality requirement

Submission standards

Material submitted to GPCL’s journals must be original and should not have been published (according to the duplicate publication policy) or submitted elsewhere. This includes material under consideration elsewhere while the contribution is being reviewed by GPCL’s journals.

Related material disclosure

Authors with related material under consideration or in press elsewhere must upload a marked copy at the time of submission to GPCL’s journals, clearly indicating its status in the cover letter (see the duplicate publication policy).

Disclosure during consideration

Authors must promptly disclose any related submissions made during the consideration period by GPCL’s journals (see the duplicate publication policy).

Previously published material

Details in the cover letter

If part of the contribution has appeared or will appear elsewhere, authors must provide details in the cover letter. Consideration is possible if the main results, conclusions, or implications are not apparent in the other work.

Thesis inclusion

GPCL’s journals accept submissions containing material from previously published theses if they comply with the institution’s requirements.

Preprints and meeting abstracts

Community preprint servers

GPCL’s journals allow and encourage pre-print submissions to recognized community preprint servers. Details and accession numbers should be provided in the cover letter.

Meeting abstracts

Publication of meeting abstracts before full submission is allowed, provided they are included with the manuscript and referenced in the cover letter. This excludes abstracts publicized outside the scientific community during the submission process.

Conference Proceedings

Consideration with extensions

Submissions with material published in conference proceedings are considered, provided there is a substantial extension of results, analysis, conclusions, and/or implications beyond the conference paper. Proper citation and permissions are required.

Online scientific collaborations

Acceptance criteria

GPCL’s journals consider submissions with material from online scientific collaborations such as wikis or blogs, given that the information is not publicized outside the scientific community until the final online appearance date.

Figure reuse and copyright

Permissions for figure reuse

Authors reusing figures from elsewhere must provide documentation proving permission from the previous publisher or copyright holder. GPCL’s journal Editorial Board assumes good faith, expecting full permission for every part of the submitted material.

Duplicate publication policy

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